4 Instructors seminars right from the heart of Moscow, in Russia
It all started on the 15th of January, right after the festive celebrations of the Russian Christmas and New Year, Vianna ran Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper and the Growing Your Relationships “You and Creator” seminars in Moscow.
3 Languages
As always we provided FREE interpretation to all attendees for Russian speakers, from English. And we also provided support with translation for our Turkish guests too!
6th visit to Russia
This was the first visit of Vianna to Moscow, and was the 6th visit to Russia. Steadily growing the community since 2014, Russia has expanding at a steady rate!
Seminar Leaders & Event Hosts
The seminars hosted in 2020 in Moscow, was led by Vianna Stibal. We provided support seminars, and had a super time during the Russian New Year celebrations with Vianna and everyone who attended. The hosts for this series of seminars was the husband and wife team of Natalia Lapshicheva and Craig Koekemoer.

Vianna Stibal
Founder of the ThetaHealing® technique

Natalia Lapshicheva
Co-Host for Vianna in Russia
ThetaHealing® Certificate of Science

Craig Koekemoer
Co-Host for Vianna in Russia
ThetaHealing® Certificate of Science
Our Team
Our team consisted of a number of people from different countries, cities and towns. The teaching assistants were part of the support team to help with documentation, registrations, general queries and helping the attendees during any of the practical excercises during the events. And this was also the introduction of the use of volunteers to help with some of the non-administrative tasks, especially during the non-seminar events!
Language Team (Interpreters)
Russian – Daniil Zemlyanoy
Turkish – Sevim Kurt
Logistic & Support Team
Gleb Vilochkin
Helena Vasilkova
Nathalia van der Veer
Yulia Oshemkova
THInK Team – Prisila Lohmann Quiroz
Teaching Assistants Russian
Alexandr Belimov (also the team Doctor)
Galina Shishkina
Julia Redkova
Yulia Borodina
Teaching Assistants Russian / English
Alexey Korovin
Samantha Lohmann
Anna Disendorf
Dinara Mukhametzhanova
Ekaterina Grigoryeva
Olga Kananykhina
A summary of the events in 2020.
Moscow calling – instructors seminars started on the 15th of January 2020.
Of course our first ever ThetaHealers Evening meeting in Moscow with Vianna was a huge success and was SOLD OUT super quick!
This was followed by the start of Instructors seminars, and again another first time in Moscow (and of course SOLD OUT too) ThetaHealing Day event where anyone could come and listen to Vianna from the stage!
Only for ThetaHealer®s
14 January 2020
Celebrations in style – the start to the Russian new year was a magical event with ThetaHealers from all over Russia coming together in Moscow for this super event!
15 – 18 January 2020
The hall was packed with nearly no spaces left, when Vianna took to the stage to deliver a great Basic DNA Instructors seminar for the first time in Moscow. A super start to 2020 for everyone indeed!
19 January 2020
We moved to a space in Moscow well known to host meetings, and it was a sell out with the hall being packed to the full! Not even any standing space left. Those lucky enough to have purchased GOLD TICKETS got the opportunity to meet Vianna in person, get their book signed by her and a personal photograph too!
21 – 23 January 2020
After a short rest break, Vianna was up on stage with great enthusiasm. The Advanced DNA Instructors seminar was well attended with not many chosing to leave after the first seminar. And everyone had soo much fun!
25 – 26 Janaury 2020
Those who stayed for this seminar were in for a treat. Vianna really did some amazing digging session examples, and everyone in the seminar learnt a huge amount of skill watching the master in action!
You and Creator INSTRUCTORS
28 – 29 January 2020
Those who were lucky to be in this seminar is that they learnt a great deal, and obtained super clarification about where the information they received during sessions came from. The first time for ThetaHealers® in Russia, this awesome seminar was well attended, including some old faces who attended previous seminars with Vianna.
Of course we could not run seminars without providing support to those who needed to complete a practitioner seminar first, so we had one of our Russian speaking team run the practitioners seminar for “You & Creator”.
Contact us
2020 was a super first time visit for Vianna and Guy to Moscow. If you would like more information please get in touch with us using the contact form below – thank you!